Introducing myself

I am Judit Heim, I am a psychologist.

For me, personal development is essential, so I took part in individual and group self-recognition processes, and train myself from time to time professionally as well. Family therapy training was determining for me. I use this approach in individual consulting as well.

I believe that family system effects the individual’s life, should they be parents, spouses or children. Often we find childhood memories behind current problems, too. And behind a child’s problem we might find swayed balance in the family. Family therapy can help re-establishing this.



  • 2012-2018 Padlás Konzultációs Műhely - psychologist
  • 2013 - Menedékház Alapítvány - volunteer psychologist, family therapy consultant
  • 2014-2018 Bethlen Gábor Általános Iskola és Gimnázium – school psychologist
  • 2016-tól Kanapé és tükör - psychologist
  • 2017-től Rossmann Magyarország - psychological consultation


  • 2012 - University of Debrecen - psychologist (counseling and school psychology)
  • 2014 - Field orientation consultant
  • 2016 - Mediátor (Partners Hungary)
  • 2016 - ​EFT (Emotional Focused Therapy)
  • 2016 - Restorative approach
  • 2017 - Coach

Klienseim mondták

  • I thought that it is a longer process to get this far. There has been a quality change in my life thanks to our work together.

  • I felt that something has changed. I got myself back, everything got back to its place.

  • What we are doing here is spectacular. I feel more safe.

  • I have seen more psychologists so far, but I felt that I am at the right place at Judit’s.

  • Az eszköztáram bővült, nem 1-2 problémára kaptam megoldást, hanem a hozzáállásom javult. Úgy beszéltem dolgokról, ahogy mással soha. Más nézőpontot kaptam, ahonnan nem tűntek olyan megoldhatatlannak a problémák.

Visszahívás igénylése

Amennyiben felkeltettem érdeklődését, kérem töltse ki az alábbi űrlapot és amint tudom visszahívom.

A csillaggal (*) megjelölt mezők kitöltése kötelező.

Humán ellenőrzés

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